What is the GROW AMERICA Act?

President Obama has long since run on the platform of helping America move forward especially when it comes to job growth. With the unveiling of the GROW AMERICA Act there are high hopes for future job growth.
This Act focuses on such areas of job generating opportunities, and Rebuilding the infrastructure throughout America will provide Congress with the chance to transform both the economy and the plight of our roads, highways, and bridges among other things. The Act also gives energy to such things as improving American business in the global marketplace and legislation to make it easier for Americans to keep up with competition.
Many Americans are concerned over both the plight of our transit system and the ability to move forward in a global marketplace, and the Executive Branch is hoping to draw in both parties to help make this bill a legally binding document. The timing of the release of this bill corresponds with the dwindling revenue available in the Highway Trust Fund.
The majority of the GROW AMERICA Act will focus on delivering revenue to the right places via legislation. This includes addressing the $87 billion lack of funding in the Highway Trust Fund and moving towards a more renewable source of revenue. Additionally, the GROW AMERICA Act will also work with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to act against auto manufacturers when vehicle recalls present themselves.
It is also imperative that the government gets out of the way by making it easier for companies to receive the permits and project approval necessary to get to work. This encourages community growth as well as business growth. Freight networks are also important for trade growth, and through this Act incentives will be given to encourage investment in regional issues.
Through the GROW AMERICA Act, local law makers will be able to take further strides in the direction of growth and to strengthen the national transit system. With both parties working to advance this bill, it is just a matter of time before it is implemented across the country.
So, what do you think? Can the GROW AMERICA Act help boost our transportation industry? Regardless of where you stand more traffic means a higher need for saftey and regulatory compliance when shipping goods. Contact TCA if your operations could use some assistance. We’re here to help!
Tag:Highway trust fund, NHTSA