Can Hazmat Consultants Help with the New DOT Changes?
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has recently released an emergency order that requires all railroad trains carrying Bakken Crude Oil to immediately notify the State Emergency Response Commissions.
With recent railroad failures and accidents the DOT has become increasingly more concerned about the welfare of individuals who live alongside areas where Crude Oil is being transported. For this reason, they are ordering trains to identify their shipments as soon as they receive them.
In addition to this mandate, the DOT is also recommending that equipment be inspected to identify any integrity issues that could cause serious damage down the line.
Hazmat consultants can help any freightliner receive the proper information about this new mandate. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) also sent out a safety advisory that suggested better equipment and higher quality train cars should be used for the shipment of this dangerous liquid.
Obviously, not every company has time to go through and read all the guidelines sent over by various federal agencies, however, these documents are extremely important to the health and safety of people everywhere.
It is also important to adhere to these standards so companies avoid any liability for accidents that may occur. The right hazmat consultants can aid in sorting through these legal requirements and can help get freight trains back on the track where they belong.
DOT Secretary, Antony Foxx recently stated that “All options are on the table when it comes to improving the safe transportation of crude oil.” This means that companies who transport this substance will likely receive greater scrutiny of their standards and of their safety procedures. To avoid any trouble hazmat consultants should be contacted as quickly as possible.
The notification system, which is now mandatory, will require companies transporting Bakken Crude Oil to immediately inform their state officials where they are moving the contents and how long it will take them to do so across their state.
This communication helps states better prepare for accidents that can have detrimental impacts on communities in their jurisdiction. The volume of oil being transported should also be provided to state transportation officials.
Through voluntary actions, train companies can reduce any risk of accidents with the cargo they transport, and providing state officials with this information proves they are dedicated to the well being of the country and their customers.
Our expert hazmat consultants are here to make your operations run smooth, safe and econimically. Click here to learn more about the services we offer as hazmat consultants or contact us today at 855-637-9566!