EPA Final Rule

Polymer Manufacturers Exemption Deadline Extension
Hot off the press and just released, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its final rule today (February 16, 2024) to extend the deadline for polymer manufacturers (including importers) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This is partially due to the EPA requiring those seeking to utilize exemption reports and accompanying confidentiality claims to submit their documents electronically.
Originally, the deadline for submission was January 31, 2024. However, due to technical difficulties with the launch of their new electronic reporting tool, the EPA is extending the submission deadline to March 31, 2024, to allow manufacturers ample time to submit their documents. So, if you are and importer or manufacturer of polymers and thought you missed the deadline, you’re in luck!
For a complete look at the final rule, you can click HERE NOW to see it in its entirety. Make sure to follow us on all our social media accounts at Facebook and LinkedIn to check for updates on this news story as the deadline could be extended once again. If you enjoyed this short read, you should follow us so you can be the first to know when new content like this drop. And don’t forget to opt-in to our monthly newsletter monthly newsletter that offers you even more regulatory news, special offers, and industry insights.