Having Trouble Shipping Lithium Batteries in 2017 by UPS and FedEx?

Effective January 1, 2017, UPS and Fed Ex added more restrictive requirements for shipping Section II Lithium batteries by Air than those imposed by the IATA regulations.
UPS Air service:
All US Air and International Air shipments of lithium ion or metal cells and batteries shipped without equipment must be prepared and shipped as fully regulated. UPS will no longer allow air shipments prepared according to:
• Section II, IATA Packing Instructions 965 (ion, UN3480) and 968 (metal, UN3090) • 49CFR 173.185(c) – https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=63a553754c3b8fc30c02f8d24496931c&node=se49.2.173_1185&rgn=div8
Review UPS website for more details: https://www.ups.com/content/us/en/resources/ship/packaging/guidelines/batteries.html#Effective+January+1%2C+2017%2C+UPS+will+require+Section+II+batteries+to+be+fully+regulated%2E.
Shippers must be preapproval by FedExpess Dangerous Goods Administration in order to ship lithium metal batteries UN3090 Section IA and Section IB.
Review Fedex’s website for more details: http://www.fedex.com/us/service-guide/ship-dg-hazmat/dangerous-goods/how-to-ship.html?fx-faq=Lithium_Batteries_Section_II.
Enroll today in our online IATA Dangerous Gooods & Lithium Battery course to learn the most current regulations in shipping dangerous goods and lithium batteries through the air.
Tag:49 CFR, Lithium Batteries